domingo, 24 de junio de 2012

What i'm planning to do here

A picture of a cat. Enjoy.

Okay guys, i started this blogs a few days ago and this is my fourth entry since then, but the last 3 ones were kinda confusing. I mean, the first entry made this blog look like it was all about Minecraft, that i was going to post mods, seeds and other Minecraft stuff, but then i do an entry about... a casio calculator? what the hell?

Well, this blog is about nothing, it's just a general blog about my life, the reasons because i made those entries is just because that's what my life is about, i play minecraft, i use calculators, i play indie games, so it's only logic that if i have to talk about my life this is what i will have to say.

But Minecraft and calculators are not the only thing i'm planning to talk about, i'll talk about maybe other videogames or maybe something completely different like books, cellphones or even just discussing some arguments i had with someone a day, i'm not planning to do any project nor anything like that.

Also, i'm going to try to make entries at least two times a week or more, but i can't say for sure.

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